Pro Shared Host Plan


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SKU: N/A Category:



All our our Shared Hosting servers now come with a pre-installed SSL without additional charge. This means your site will automatically be flagged as ‘SECURE’ and will ensure all information sent over the site is fully encrypted.

Core Software

CentOS 7.x
Apache 2.4
cPanel 110
PHP 7.2,7.3,7.4,8.0,8.1 and 8.2
MySQL version (server) 5.7
MySQL client Yes
Python 2.7 and 3.6
PEAR Supported
phpMyAdmin 5.2.1
CloudFlare Supported
Softaculous Supported
ionCube Loader Supported
PDO_MySQL Supported
Perl Supported
PHP Safe Mode Supported
mcrypt Supported
Zend Engine Supported
Ruby Supported
zlib Supported
cURL Supported
cURL Library Functions Supported
ImageMagick Supported


MySQL version (server) 5.7
MySQL client Yes
phpMyAdmin 5.2.1
Toad for MySQL Supported
MYSQL: MyISAM Supported
formmail.cgi Supported
SFTP Supported
MySQL Admin tools Supported

Additional Supported Software

Zend Optimizer Supported
Zend Guard Loader Supported
mod_mime.c Supported
jQuery Supported
InnoDB Supported
SSI Supported
mod_rewrite / URL rewrite Supported
Ruby On Rails Supported
Javascripts (only if embedded in HTML) Supported
soap module Supported
json Supported


Password protected folders Supported
Hotlink Protection Supported
Leech Protection Supported

Additional information


12 Month